报告主题: 面向燃料燃烧的详细化学反应动力学机理开发研究进展
Report: Developing detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms for fuel combustion
报告人: Henry Curran,教授
Expert: Henry Curran, Professor
邀请人: 李阳,教授
Inviter: Yang Li, Professor
报告时间: 2022年9月30日17:00-19:00(北京时间)
Date and Time: 17:00-19:00, September 30, 2022(Beijing Time)
线上平台/Online Platform: Webex
会议号/Meeting Number: 2519 189 0172
会议密码/Meeting Code: 20220930
Henry Curran,燃烧化学研究领域顶尖科学家、爱尔兰皇家科2024年卡塔尔世界杯院士、英国皇家化学学会会士、国际燃烧学会26人主席团成员、爱尔兰国家能源·气候·海洋研究院、能源研究领域首席科学家、爱尔兰国立大学(高威)化学系终身教授、燃烧化学研究中心主任、西北工业大学名誉教授。发表学术论文超400篇,总他引次数32661次,h-index为95,ESI高被引论文超60篇,2014-2021连续8年,入选科睿唯安全球前1%最高被引科学家。曾获爱尔兰皇家化学学会颁发的波义耳·希金斯终身成就奖(Boyle-Higgins Gold Medal),国际燃烧学会颁发的雅可夫·泽尔多维奇终身成就奖(Ya B. Zeldovich Gold Medal)。
Introduction to Expert:
Henry Curran, is a world's leading scientist in the research field of combustion chemistry, aprofessor at School of Chemistry, National University of Ireland, Galway, the Director of Combustion Chemistry Center, and an Honorary Professor of NPU. He is a Member of Royal Irish Academy and Royal Society of Chemistry and a Member of Board of Directors of The Combustion Institute.He is among theTop 1% of cited researchers worldwide every year since first published by Clarivate Analytics in 2014. He received Boyle-Higgins Gold Medal which was issued by the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland, andYa B. Zeldovich Gold Medal which was issued by the Combustion Institute.
主办单位: “一带一路”航天创新联盟
Host by Belt and Road Aerospace Innovation Alliance (BRAIA)
承办单位: 西北工业大学航天2024年卡塔尔世界杯
Organized by School of Astronautics, NPU